The Art Of Natural Dyeing

For years the fashion industry has been responsible for the pollution of water sources due to the waste products that come from chemical dyeing of our garments. In a new sustainable and ethical fashion shift, brands are now looking to natural dyeing as a responsible way to bring colour to your wardrobe. The lost art of natural dyeing is having a resurgence and with good reason.
"Natural Dyeing feels like painting an abstract picture. After you decide the colour story, you then began the real process of dyeing." - Porscha Hill, Founder of Bad Habits London

Although the processes involved with natural dyeing is a time consuming persuit, the results are worth every second spent in sourcing materials, colour testings, scouring and mordant and dyeing and re-dyeing.
The great thing about natural dye is that, what would normally be seen as a natural waste product from cooking for example, can produce a huge spectrum of colours. From avocado skins helping to create a pink colour to red onion skins and the resultant deep yellows.
"I wanted to try natural dyes for a while. I love the idea of going back to basics and using what you have in your immediate surroundings." - Sam Russell, Founder of Tens Studio

An important part of dyeing is of course the fabric used. With some being easier than others due to their colourfastness. Protein-based fibres make for the best dyeing fabrics, but with that being said you need not limit yourself. By washing thhe fabric (Scouring) it can improve it's ability to hold colour after the dyeing process.
If you're looking to start your natural dyeing journey then check out this book on the subject, which was the starting point for Sam Russell.